A series of learning activities will equip city planning authorities and mobility practitioners with skills and knowledge that they need to develop and implement SUMPs.
The activities are grounded in the concepts of peer-to-peer exchange and collaboration. They are split into two types:
Sharing experience and best practice and promoting continuous learning will create a community of cities and practitioners dedicated to and skilled in sustainable urban mobility planning. By the end of SUMPs-Up, this knowledge network will consist of close to 100 cities and 200 practitioners.
SUMPs-Up is organising a series of activities and creating online resources for practitioners within and beyond the mobility sector to broaden their knowledge on the SUMP process and related tools.
Of the non-mobility professionals working on SUMPs, they are particularly aimed at urban planners, public and environmental health officers, city resilience officers, statisticians, engineers and architects.
A series of seven webinars are being held that focus on a wide variety of SUMP-related topics. Each one will provide insight from the SUMPs-Up expert team into its respective topic, use and present activities and outcomes of the project, and connect those with practical examples from cities all over Europe.
Find recordings and presentations from previous webinars below or on the SUMPs-Up YouTube channel.
See details on all upcoming webinars in 2019 on the events page.
Alongside the webinars, seven different e-courses have been created. They tackle the various phases involved in the SUMP process, starting from how to initiate a SUMP and prepare SUMP vision to drafting the SUMP document and selecting SUMP measures. The final courses examine implementation and financing and procuring for SUMP measures.
All SUMPs-Up e-learning courses can be accessed at the Mobility Academy.
These are being held in various EU Member States for local practitioners, with content tailored to the national context of the respective host country. Through interactive sessions, exercises and presentations with local and European SUMP experts, participants gain insight into a wide variety of SUMP topics.
Check the events page for upcoming workshop details. Sessions have already taken place in the Baltic Sea Region, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and the UK.
The learning activities are collected together in what are known as SUMP Learning Programmes (SLPs). The participants in these programmes are the city and planning authority representatives who have been selected via the Innovation Pilot Pool.
Three main topics will be covered by the five SLPs.
Participants learn and interact with each other in varied ways, with a mix of online and face-to-face elements. The knowledge and input they provide also feeds directly into the development of the tools and resources they will later use. All learning is participant-driven.
The full span of activities can be seen in the diagram below:
Across the five SLPs that will take place during the project, there will be a total of 55 activities:
Each of the SLPs will have an equal amount of the activity types.
The participants for all SLPs have now been selected, whilst those for the Leadership Group were chosen in 2017.
See SLP 5 and SUMP Leadership Group participants
See earlier SLP participants here
After becoming familiar with the SUMP tools presented through the SLPs, participating cities will test and assess their effectiveness and usefulness in their local context, and provide feedback and recommendations for improvement.